Loma Linda Academy has a long and unique history of integrating fitness and healthy lifestyle habits into our curriculum. The Elementary PE rotation is designed to teach kids to develop a desire for a lifetime of fitness and health. Grades 1 through 6 have P.E twice per week. Bowling, rock climbing and swimming are included in the PE program depending on the grade.
TK and Kindergarten have P.E. once per week for 30 minutes. They are taught basic skills for running, throwing, jumping, kicking, as well as learning spacial awareness.
First and 2nd grades begin to play games and learn rules and sportsmanship that lead up to traditional sports like basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, softball, and badminton.
Third and 4th grades learn strategy and continue to learn more advanced game skills.
In 5th and 6th grade, the focus shifts to learning traditional sports in preparation for Junior High. The track and field unit leads up to Track and Field Day in the Spring for all 5th and 6th grade classes.