Support LLA
Ways to Give


Endowments utilize your gift in the best way possible and good for Loma Linda Academy. Your contribution to an endowment provides a family legacy and a valuable commitment to our community for generations to come.

Make an Impact

Partner with LLA through contributions of any amount to our existing scholarships or other endowments. Thank YOU for making a difference in our students lives today!


What is an endowment? An endowment is a donation of money or property to a nonprofit organization, which uses the resulting investment income for a specific charitable purpose(s). 

How does an endowment work? Endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income for charitable efforts, specific to the donor’s wish. The total amount of the gift is invested. Each year, only a portion of the income earned is spent while the remainder is added to the principal for growth. In this respect, an endowment is a perpetual gift. The endowed fund will be activated once it reaches $5,000 the minimum level.

Next Steps

  • First, seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  • Then, as you consider LLA in your plans, contact Finny Parchamento at 909.796.0161 x3340 or
The act of building an endowment together can turn the psychology of a community from one of dependency to one of ascendancy, from one of little hope to one of real hope.

Instructions to Give to Endowments

To give to an endowment, be sure to choose "Other" under Area of Need and write the endowment name in the text field below Area of Need.
Mission.   It is the mission of
Loma Linda Academy for all to:
 • Grow in God’s Grace
 • Thrive Intellectually
 • Develop True Friendships
 • Embrace Healthful Living